Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Using Eco Friendly Skincare Products For Better Health

So you think that the water treating systems in the USA will be able to filter out all those nasty chemicals in personal care products? Well, the truth is that according to the authorities, there are about 20% of these that are sub standard and are not working properly.  That basically means that the Safe Drinking Water Act is not being fully enforced. That should raise a red flag and encourage us to use products which are much more eco friendly and will help to protect the environment we live in and the water we actually drink.

Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
Because a lot of the chemicals we use in products cannot easily be broken down, they tend to stay intact and poison our water sources.  For example, researchers at the Southern California Coastal Water Research project have found that hormones in fish life have been affected. What is bad for fish cannot be good for us! 

Fish hormone levels disrupted
In another study, it was found that many pharmaceutical elements such as steroids and antibiotics together with antidepressants were found in fish life near water treatment plants. Add in all the parabens which can affect human hormone levels and all the petroleum derived substances and we have a chemical mix which is harmful to human health. Water treatment systems just cannot cope with the deluge.Using less plastic will also help.

Our own health is at risk
Apart form the drinking water, we are also applying all these substances to our skin and that is being absorbed into the bloodstream. The main problem chemicals which can affect hormone levels and cause various health problems are:-
  • Parabens
  • SLS  (sodium laurel sulphates in most shampoos)
  • Fragrances – 90% are made from synthetic chemicals
  • Petroleum derived products (usually better for engines and machinery lubricants!)
Action plan to safeguard ourselves and the planet
They say that good planets are hard to find!  That is so true and although there are 100 billion galaxies, there could be other planets which support life but that is another story!

We have to preserve life on THIS planet as it is the only one we have at the moment.

The best way is to go for organic skincare products and selecting those which have none of the harmful ingredients I have mentioned above. In this way, we will be doing our bit to preserve the planet!

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