Friday, 3 December 2010

Natural Topical Creams For Dry Skin

If you are suffering from a dry skin there could be many reasons. It could simply be matter of a disease such as diabetes or simply a poor diet or long hot showers which wash out all the oils or the wrong type of soap. Before we look at creams for getting rid of dry skin, let us examine what is going on when it becomes dried up and what are the best solutions.

As 60% of whatever cream or lotion we put on our body is absorbed, this makes it all the more important that we should use natural plant oils rather than minerals and other harmful irritants. That applies also to creams for getting rid of dry skin.

There is one basic fact of life about skin care and it concerns extreme dry skin. As we age, our skin loses its inbuilt capacity to retain moisture and absorb the nutrients it needs.  Then we have the problem that we tend to produce less sebum (skin oil) as we get older. Add to that the fact that it cannot produce enough hyaluronic acid and collagen which leads to sagging skin and we have a formula for aging skin.

Is there anything we can do to stop this process or at least to delay it?  One solution which we can implement on a daily basis has been suggested by the Mayo Clinic when they discuss the topic on their website.

They recommend that any hot baths should be changed to warm baths. The reason is that hot water really strips away the protective essential oils which are also helping to keep our epidermis properly hydrated. Then we should also use tepid water for face washing and also avoid soaps as much as possible.

Weather conditions can also play a part and we should try to avoid wind, cold, too much sun and also dry conditions in the home.

Did you know that the clothes you wear may actually aggravate extreme dry skin? The reason is that fabrics like wool and rayon especially if worn near the skin, can actually trap the sweat. Dry skin friendly fabrics are cotton and linen.

When we do wash our skin we can avoid harsh soaps, keep the amount to a bare minimum and also opt for non-soap cleansers.

There is another problem associated with extreme dry skin and that is when we apply toner with cotton pads. Very often these are produced from cotton which has been treated with pesticides so we are applying another layer of toxins such as chlorine and dioxin!   The only way to avoid this is to make sure that any cotton wool or pads we use are certified 100% organic.

The solution to extreme dry skin is to find a skincare regime where you can use a facial cleanser which actually puts all the moisture and nutrients back again. If this sounds too good to be true, why not try a formula which is rich in vitamins, and proteins all from natural plant sources.

Manuka honey is one such ingredient as it also a great antibacterial agent.  Then you need some high antioxidant ingredients which will help regenerate new skin cells but also help you to keep the skin hydrated so that dry chapped skin is no longer an embarrassment.